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Memorandum ; 40: [1-22], mar. 2023.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1527300


O objetivo deste artigo é propor uma relação teórica entre o conceito da exotopia bakhtinana e a posições de Eu. A Teoria do self dialógico concebe a mente como uma multiplicidade dinâmica de posições de Eu relativamente autônomas fundamentada, especialmente, na filosofia dialógica de Michael Bakhtin e na teoria do self de William James. Cada posição de Eu, na minissociedade da mente, tem a capacidade de "ver além" do que qualquer outra poderia, pois, no tempo-espaço, cada posição de Eu pode ocupar um lugar que é único. A exotopia pressupõe a extralocalização dessas posições de Eu, umas diante das outras, o que estabelece a viabilidade das interações dialógicas. É essa exotopia que conduz à nossa possibilidade de responder a uma outra voz interna ou externa. Essa condição espacial caracteriza toda relação intra ou heterodialógica, assim como a possibilidade de aparecimento de novidade de significados no self. Um caso empírico de um adolescente é apresentado para ilustrar o nascimento de nova posição de Eu no processo de escolarização a partir do aumento da exotopia no self.

This article aims at proposing a theoretical relation between Bakhtin's notion of exotopy and I-positions. The Theory of the Dialogical Self conceives the mind as a dynamic multiplicity of relatively autonomous positions of the self. It is rooted in Michael Bakhtin's dialogical philosophy and William James's theory of the self. Each position of the self, in the mini-society of the mind, has the property of "seeing beyond" of what any other can do. This is because, in time-space, each position of the self can occupy a place that is absolutely unique. Exotopia pre-supposes the extralocation of these positions of the self, which establishes the viability of dialogical interactions. In this vein, we can promote the construc-tion of meanings. The exotopy leads our ability to respond to another internal or external voice. This spatial condition characterizes every intra or heterodialogical relationship, as well as the possibility of the appearance of novelty of meanings in the self. An empirical case of an adolescent is presented to illustrate the emergence of a new position of the self in the schooling process from the increase in exotopy in the self.

Memorandum ; 40(2023): 1-22, 07/02/2023.
Artigo em Português | Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: psi-72568


O objetivo deste artigo é propor uma relação teórica entre o conceito da exotopia bakhtinana e a posições de Eu. A Teoria do self dialógico concebe a mente como uma multiplicidade dinâmica de posições de Eu relativamente autônomas fundamentada, especialmente, na filosofia dialógica de Michael Bakhtin e na teoria do self de William James. Cada posição de Eu, na minissociedade da mente, tem a capacidade de “ver além” do que qualquer outra poderia, pois, no tempo-espaço, cada posição de Eu pode ocupar um lugar que é único. A exotopia pressupõe a extralocalização dessas posições de Eu, umas diante das outras, o que estabelece a viabilidade das interações dialógicas. É essa exotopia que conduz à nossa possibilidade de responder a uma outra voz interna ou externa. Essa condição espacial caracteriza toda relação intra ou heterodialógica, assim como a possibilidade de aparecimento de novidade de significados no self. Um caso empírico de um adolescente é apresentado para ilustrar o nascimento de nova posição de Eu no processo de escolarização a partir do aumento da exotopia no self. (AU)

This article aims at proposing a theoretical relation between Bakhtin’s notion of exotopy and I-positions. The Theory of the Dialogical Self conceives the mind as a dynamic multiplicity of relatively autonomous positions of the self. It is rooted in Michael Bakhtin’s dialogical philosophy and William James’s theory of the self. Each position of the self, in the mini-society of the mind, has the property of “seeing beyond” of what any other can do. This is because, in time-space, each position of the self can occupy a place that is absolutely unique. Exotopia pre-supposes the extralocation of these positions of the self, which establishes the viability of dialogical interactions. In this vein, we can promote the construc-tion of meanings. The exotopy leads our ability to respond to another internal or external voice. This spatial condition characterizes every intra or heterodialogical relationship, as well as the possibility of the appearance of novelty of meanings in the self. An empirical case of an adolescent is presented to illustrate the emergence of a new position of the self in the schooling process from the increase in exotopy in the self. (AU)

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36109432


Many university educators have argued for a need for academic integrity education as an alternative to a focus on students' and scholars' compliance with academic rules and conventions (Brimble, 2016; Christensen Hughes & Bertram-Gallant, 2016; Hutton, 2006). I argue that the universal ethical-moral discourse of academic integrity disciplines subjects to comply with frequently alienating academic practices. This ethical discourse focuses on individual responsibility, in turn rendering invisible the authority of sometimes dysfunctional and oppressive instructional and summative assessment practices. Taking a Bakhtinian dialogic authorial perspective, the paper calls on students, scholars, instructors, and academic advisors to engage in critical ontological dialogue on diverse responses and motivations in regard to academic demands and deeds. Dialogue on situated instead of universal ethics in academic settings contextualizes and problematizes not just individual actions but also the ethics of the summative assessment regime, the instruction, the curriculum, authority dynamics, and the educational system as a whole. This discussion on academic integrity violations calls on educators to consider the ethical value of separating summative assessment from instruction.

J Bioeth Inq ; 19(1): 71-77, 2022 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35362925


In their article Little, Jordens, and Sayers developed the notion of "discourse communities"-as groups of people who share an ideology and common "language"-with the support of seminal ideas from M.M. Bakhtin. Such communities provide benefits although they may also impose constraints. An ethical community would open to others' discourse and be committed to critique. Those commitments may counter the limitations of discourse communities. Since their paper was published in 2003, the notion of "discourse communities" has been widely adopted and applied in healthcare and beyond. Their ideas were influential in the founding of an ethics centre in Sydney and contributed to articulating the values which underpin this journal. This commentary notes that an ethical community is fragile in responding to current onslaughts on truth and meaning-potencies inherent in discourse communities. The essay takes Bakhtin's ideas further to explore intrinsic forces at play in dialogue, language, and art. This leads to discussing the centrality of ethics in Bakhtin's thought. For him, the essence of discourse is a dialogic exchange which comprises both art and ethics. It is art in that self and other are created in the exchange. It is ethical in that "I" am answerable to the other, as a phenomenological reality, in the moment of intersubjectivity.

Narração , Humanos
Soc Sci Med ; 292: 114532, 2022 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34810031


Primary care management of patients with multimorbidity in the UK is underpinned by clinical guidelines, quality standards and measurable targets which govern practices of risk management and disease control. There is concern that standardised approaches may not always be appropriate for older patients living with multimorbidity. Using a narrative approach, we elicited the voices of older people living with multiple conditions in order to rethink chronicity, and consider what their accounts might mean for reconfiguring care practices. Within an ethnographic study of multimorbidity and polypharmacy, we conducted in-depth interviews, based on the Biographical Narrative Interpretive Method, with 24 participants aged 65 to 94. Participants were recruited from three general practices in England. All had two or more chronic conditions and were prescribed ten or more medicines. Our analysis draws on Bakhtinian theory, tracing the multiple ways in which participants voiced living with multimorbidity. In this paper, we focus on 'keeping in balance' which emerged as a key meta-conceptualisation across our dataset. Adopting the metaphor of the 'multimorbidity tightrope' we explore the precarity of patients' experiences and show their struggle to create coherence from within a deeply ambiguous living situation. We consider how and to what extent participants' narrative constructions co-opt or resist normative biomedical framings of multimorbidity. Our analysis foregrounds the complex ways in which patients' voices and values may sometimes be at odds with those promoted within professional guidelines. Narrative approaches may offer significant potential for reorienting healthcare towards enabling patients to live a flourishing life, even when facing significant adversity.

Medicina Geral , Multimorbidade , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Antropologia Cultural , Doença Crônica , Humanos , Polimedicação
Integr Psychol Behav Sci ; 56(3): 542-559, 2022 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34622419


The background of the article is an interest in theories of learning and the metaphors of learning they build on and propagate. The basic argument is that the discursive construction of learning plays a central role in theoretical perspectives in research but also in discussions of societal issues in a wider sense. An initial observation is that current metaphors of learning oscillate between emphasizing socializing/reproductive dimensions and perspectives which foreground new-thinking transformations of existing collective knowledge; the culturally given. Hence, our aim is to explore conceptions of learning underpinning dominant theoretical perspectives as behaviorism, cognitivism, pragmatism, and various sociocultural traditions, in the light of this theoretical tension. Our conclusion is that the views of communication and learning inherent to the radical dialogic perspective on communication that stresses the unfinalizable nature of knowing, offered by Bakhtin, add to our understanding of how learning may be conceptualized in contemporary society. Such a dialogic perspective, emphasizing open-ended agency, plurality of voices, and performative potentials of creatively expressing opinions when learning from each other, offers a perspective on learning worth considering in times of diversity, unpredictable risks, and the need for critical self-reflexivity.

Metáfora , Socialização , Comunicação , Humanos
Qual Health Res ; 31(11): 1963-1975, 2021 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34092137


Eating disorders continue to be viewed as curable diseases, forcing people into predetermined narratives of pathology that shape how they are viewed and treated. Situated in a feminist application of Bakhtin's sociological linguistics, we were concerned with how participants understood eating disorders, the nature of their experiences, and the causes of their distress. Following a dialogical method, multiple in-depth interviews were conducted with seven women who experienced an eating disorder and who had been sexually abused previously, and participants' own drawings and poetry were obtained to gain deeper insights into meanings and emotions. We found an eating disorder offered a perception of cleanliness and renewal that was attractive to participants who experienced overwhelming shame. It is critical that researchers use a range of visual and sensory methods to move eating disorder understandings and treatment beyond illness and pathology.

Abuso Sexual na Infância , Maus-Tratos Infantis , Transtornos da Alimentação e da Ingestão de Alimentos , Comportamento Autodestrutivo , Criança , Transtornos da Alimentação e da Ingestão de Alimentos/terapia , Feminino , Humanos , Punição
Fractal rev. psicol ; 33(1): 2-11, jan.-abr. 2021. graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1154261


Este artigo procura apontar possíveis articulações entre a psicologia cultural e a poesia a partir do enunciado "Eu é um outro" do poeta francês Arthur Rimbaud (1854-1891), extraído de suas "Cartas do Vidente" e tomado como uma perspectiva poético-visionária para a perspectiva do construtivismo semiótico-cultural em psicologia. O enunciado é endereçado às noções de dialogismo e polifonia em Mikhail Bakhtin (1895-1975), visando expressar a pluralidade das experiências de alteridade no campo das relações eu-outro-mundo. Bakhtin é um dos principais autores para esta vertente meta-teórica, metodológica e ética em psicologia, que focaliza processos relacionais envolvidos na relação eu-outro, tomando cada coparticipante da relação como singularidade ativa, construtora de sentidos e significados da experiência. Rimbaud foi um poeta-visionário, e sua perspectiva poética da alteridade constitui um campo fértil para um diálogo com a psicologia cultural. Suas Cartas do Vidente, escritas em 1871, servirão de suporte para uma reflexão sobre as noções de alteridade e dialogicidade no Self.(AU)

This paper aims to point out possible connections between cultural psychology and poetry from the utterance "I is another", extracted from Arthur Rimbaud's "Letters of the Seer" (1871) and taken as a visionary-poetic perspective for the strand of semiotic-cultural constructivism in psychology. This utterance is addressed to Mikhail Bakhtin's notions of dialogism and polyphony, in order to express the plurality of otherness experiences in the field of I-other-world relations. Bakhtin (1895-1975) is one of the chief authors for that metatheoretical, methodological and ethical strand in psychology, which focuses on relational processes involved in the I-other relations, taking each co-participant in the relation as an active singularity, constructing senses and meanings of experience. Rimbaud (1854-1891) was a visionary poet, and his poetic perspective of alterity is a fertile ground for a dialogue with the cultural psychology. His "Letters of the Seer" will give support to a reflection on the notions of otherness and dialogicity in the Self.(AU)

Psicologia , Poesia
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 28(1): 187-209, mar. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1154323


Resumo O trabalho apresenta uma análise metalinguística de canções que compõem o álbum Quanta, de Gilberto Gil, explicitando as relações dialógicas que o enunciado artístico pode estabelecer com as ciências contemporâneas e com uma visão de saúde. Para tanto, é feita uma breve apresentação sobre o quadro teórico-metodológico a ser utilizado, a metalinguística de Bakhtin, e, a partir dele, são estabelecidos três eixos de análise, privilegiando a concepção de ciência, de física quântica e de saúde e cura presentes no álbum e evidenciando as complexas relações entre arte, física e saúde.

Abstract This article presents a metalinguistic analysis of the songs comprising the album Quanta by Gilberto Gil, highlighting the dialogical relationships that artistic endeavors can establish between contemporary science and a vision of health. This involves a brief introduction of the theoretical/methodological framework and Bakhtin's metalinguistics, followed by the establishment of three different analytical threads that follow the concepts of science, quantum physics, and health and healing which are present in the album, depicting the complex relationships between art, physics and health.

Humanos , Teoria Quântica , Saúde , Música , Arte
Cult Stud Sci Educ ; 16(2): 643-650, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33456626


Scientific training often begins with learning content knowledge and techniques. As a student progresses, they are required to communicate the results of their experiments with their instructors in a manner that other scientists would understand. This style of communication is stressed throughout their entire training. But what happens when the need arises to communicate with interested nonscientific audiences? Scientific discourse has typically been considered what philosopher of language Mikhail Bakhtin termed an "authoritative discourse,"-a discourse that "binds us, quite independent of any power it might have to persuade us internally," whose hegemony is traditionally a priori, unquestioned. However, within the public realm, that authority is in crisis. There is an unsettling rise of anti-scientific counter-discourses such as the anti-vaccine movement, the growing Flat Earth movement, climate change denialism, and a host of other "movements" grounded in either pseudo-science or an outright dismissal of scientific authority. In response to this crisis, scientists and educators have called for more attention to improving scientific literacy among the general public. By examining the generic conventions of scientific discourse using the theories of Mikhail Bakhtin, we hope to point out some of the barriers causing the current crisis in scientific authority.

Integr Psychol Behav Sci ; 55(1): 89-111, 2021 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33026627


Combining Mikhail Bakhtin's (1990) theoretical position on Architectonics and Erving Goffman's (1979) writings on visual content analysis, the aim of this paper is to explore how female athletes are caught in a complex matrix of power, post - feminist neoliberalism, and self - presentation. The visual images they choose to portray are, therefore, perfect for determining how this cohort of women negotiates social discourses around identity and femininity. Appropriating the Bakhtinian notion of architectonic unity, not only provides an alternative theoretical lens for enquiries concerning the body, identity, and selfhood, but also initiates some thought provoking questions around neoliberal feminism and 'new femininity.' This paper advances on previous research by exemplifying how Serena Williams (considered the greatest female tennis player of all time) combines both her femininity and strong physicality to self - shape a myth - like persona, setting her apart from traditional stereotypes of femininity and 'femaleness.'

Feminismo , Negociação , Atletas , Feminino , Humanos
Integr Psychol Behav Sci ; 54(2): 438-464, 2020 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31848835


In this paper, we consider the phenomenon of "pedagogical violence" - infliction of physical, social, emotional, or psychological pains, or threat of such pains that is either the means for or non-accidental by-products of education used on a systematic basis. Pedagogical violence is often used for promoting certain desired learning in students. Alternatively, it can emerge as a violent reaction in students and teachers to particular educational settings directed against other students or teachers. In this paper, we review some of the debates and controversial issues around pedagogical violence, and we use a variety of illustrative examples to explore in more detail what pedagogical violence means in particular contexts. We argue that pedagogical violence is a natural consequence of alienated instrumental education. We will look at teachers' desire to avoid physical and psychosocial pedagogical violence. We specifically consider diverse forms of psychosocial pedagogical violence and its issues such as: summative assessment, epistemological pedagogical violence, students' ambivalence around pedagogical violence, rehabilitating/avoiding pedagogical violence through a carnival. We finish with a reflection about what can be done to minimize pedagogical violence. Our analysis heavily relies on the Bakhtinian theoretical framework of critical ontological dialogism.

Estudantes , Violência , Emoções , Humanos , Conhecimento , Aprendizagem
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 26(3): 863-877, jul.-set. 2019.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1039960


Resumo Estudos para identificar eventuais relações entre a criação artística e a psicopatologia - desde o século XIX, na Europa - influenciaram o pensamento brasileiro acerca desse tema. O objetivo deste artigo, sob a óptica da história das ciências da saúde, consistiu em analisar as perspectivas, ao longo do século XX, segundo as quais as doenças neurológicas e psiquiátricas de Machado de Assis foram determinantes na criação e no conteúdo de suas produções literárias. A partir de um referencial teórico e metodológico baseado em Bakhtin, verificou-se que muitos autores consideraram a epilepsia de Machado de Assis o principal elemento responsável por seu ato criador, o que permitiu revisar a apropriação de diferentes teorias psiquiátricas no Brasil, assim como diversos conceitos teóricos.

Abstract Studies to identify possible relations between artistic creation and psychopathology (starting in nineteenth-century Europe) have influenced Brazilian thought on this topic. The objective of this article, from the perspective of the history of health sciences, is to analyze viewpoints throughout the twentieth century which considered the neurological and psychiatric diseases of Machado de Assis as fundamental to the development and content of his literary work. A theoretical and methodological reading based on Bakhtin found that many authors considered Machado de Assis's epilepsy to be the main reason behind his creativity, which allowed a review of the appropriation of different psychiatric theories in Brazil, as well as various theoretical concepts.

Humanos , Masculino , História do Século XIX , História do Século XX , Psiquiatria/história , Epilepsia/história , Pessoas Famosas , Literatura Moderna/história , Teoria Psicológica , Brasil
Rev. latinoam. psicopatol. fundam ; 22(2): 254-277, abr.-jun. 2019.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1014223


O presente artigo buscou - à luz do exercício de perscrutação de noções como singularidade, linguagem e alteridade - problematizar sobre a possibilidade de estabelecer "jogos de linguagem" e "semelhanças de família" entre os pressupostos bakhtinianos e lacanianos, bem como marcar as suas diferenças. Esta tentativa alicerça-se no reconhecimento de um princípio dialógico na psicanálise, desde sua teorização sobre a constituição do sujeito. Por outro lado, a leitura dos textos bakhtinianos, inspirado pela psicanálise, também perspectiva novos versionamentos da noção de consciência, para além da gramática do sujeito do controle e do racionalismo. Propõe-se que, se por um lado é problemático indicar uma "confluência" entre Bakhtin e Lacan, por outro, são as diferenças que podem iluminar e gerar novas metáforas entre as duas abordagens discutidas.

Based on the practice of analyzing notions such as singularity, language and otherness, the present paper discusses the possibility of establishing "language games" and "family similarities" between the Bakhtinian and Lacanian perspectives, as well as highlight their differences. This attempt is based on the recognition of a dialogical principle in psychoanalysis, from its theorization about the constitution of the subject. On the other hand, a reading of Bakhtin's texts that is inspired by psychoanalysis also puts new versions of the notion of consciousness into perspective, beyond the grammar of the subject, control and rationalism. This paper suggests that while on the one hand it would be controversial to establish a "confluence" between Bakhtin and Lacan, on the other hand, the differences may illuminate and generate new metaphors between the two approaches.

À la lumière de la recherche sur des notions telles que singularité, langage et altérité, cet article vise la possibilité d'établir des «jeux de langage¼ et des «similitudes familiales¼ entre les postulats de Bakhtin et ceux de Lacan, ainsi que d'identifier leurs différences. Cette tentative repose sur la reconnaissance d'un principe dialogique en psychanalyse, à partir de sa théorisation de la constitution du sujet. D'autre part, la lecture des textes de Bakhtin, inspirée par la psychanalyse, offre également de nouvelles perspectives sur la notion de conscience, au-delà de la grammaire du sujet, du contrôle et du rationalisme. Si d'une part il est difficile d'indiquer une «confluence¼ entre Bakhtin et Lacan, d'autre part, ce sont les différences qui peuvent éclairer et créer de nouvelles métaphores entre les deux approches discutées.

El presente artículo buscó - a la luz del escrutinio de nociones como la singularidad, el lenguaje y la alteridad - problematizar sobre la posibilidad de establecer "juegos de lenguaje" y "semejanzas de familia" entre las premisas bajtinianas y lacanianas, además de señalar sus diferencias. Este intento se basa en el reconocimiento de un principio dialógico en el psicoanálisis, desde su teorización sobre la constitución del sujeto. Por otro lado, la lectura de los textos bajtinianos, inspirada por el psicoanálisis, también plantea nuevas versiones de la noción de conciencia, además de la gramática del sujeto del control y del racionalismo. Se propone que, si por un lado es problemático indicar una "confluencia" entre Bajtín y Lacan, por otro son las diferencias las que pueden iluminar y generar nuevas metáforas entre los dos abordajes discutidos.

Der vorliegende Artikel versucht, aufgrund der Untersuchung von Begriffen wie Singularität, Sprache und Alterität, die Möglichkeit zu diskutieren, „Sprachspiele" und „Familienähnlichkeiten" anhand der Prämissen von Bakhtin und Lacan zu erstellen und ihre Unterschiede festzustellen. Dieser Versuch beruht auf der Annahme eines dialogischen Prinzips, das in der Psychoanalyse mit der Theorie über die Konstitution des Subjekts erscheint. Andererseits ermöglicht die Lektüre von Bakhtins Texten im Licht der Psychoanalyse neue Interpretationen des Bewusstseinsbegriffs, die über die Grammatik des Subjekts, die Kontrolle und den Rationalismus hinausgehen. Obwohl es einerseits problematisch ist, eine „Konfluenz" zwischen Bakhtin und Lacan aufzuzeigen, sind es andererseits ihre Unterschiede, die neue Metaphern zwischen den beiden diskutierten Ansätzen verdeutlichen und erzeugen können.

Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 26(1): 145-163, Jan.-Mar. 2019.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-989861


Resumo O artigo toma como objeto central de investigação a letra da canção "Sinfonia do café", composta em 1944 por Humberto Teixeira, procurando analisá-la sob uma perspectiva sócio-histórica e linguística. A análise buscou suporte teórico na filosofia da linguagem de Mikhail Bakhtin, em particular, suas concepções de "enunciação" e "interação verbal". A partir da relação intersubjetiva entre locutor e interlocutor, buscamos identificar possíveis significações da canção e do tema central abordado (café) no contexto de sua criação. A análise evidenciou a função político-ideológica que o gênero musical samba-exaltação exerceu no Estado Novo. Naquele contexto, café e samba-exaltação foram os principais produtos de exportação (agrícola e musical) que deveriam expressar a grandiosidade econômica e cultural brasileira.

Abstract This article focuses on the lyrics of "Sinfonia do café" ("Coffee Symphony"), a song composed in 1944 by Humberto Teixeira, and attempts to analyze it from a linguistic and socio-historical perspective. The theoretical foundation of this analysis is Mikhail Bakhtin's philosophy of language, particularly his understanding of enunciation and verbal interaction. Based on the intersubjective relationship between speaker and interlocutor, we look for potential meanings in this composition and the main topic (coffee) within the context of its creation. This analysis shows the role played by the musical genre known as samba-exaltação during the New State period. Within this context, coffee and samba-exaltação were the main exports (agricultural and musical) that were intended to express the splendor of Brazilian economics and culture.

Humanos , Equipe de Assistência ao Paciente/organização & administração , Saúde da Família , Conflito Psicológico , Brasil , Entrevistas como Assunto , Atenção à Saúde/organização & administração , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Relações Interprofissionais
Psicol. soc. (Online) ; 31: e166423, 2019.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1012873


Resumo Este ensaio teórico, com foco em questões epistemológicas e ontológicas, compõe uma teia de diálogos entre as vozes dos pensadores do Círculo de Bakhtin e as vozes da Modernidade para apresentar, a partir da Filosofia do Círculo, elementos que auxiliem a pensar uma forma outra de pesquisa em Ciências Humanas e, mais especificamente, em Psicologia. Com base nessa incursão discute-se três principais aspectos e seus efeitos à produção de saberes: o lugar do/a pesquisador/a e seu/sua outro/a; o trabalho de escrita de pesquisa e o ideal de verdade do saber.

Resumen Este ensayo, con foco en cuestiones epistemológicas y ontológicas, al componer una red de diálogos entre las voces de los pensadores del Círculo de Bakhtin con las voces de la Modernidad, objetiva presentar, a partir de la Filosofía del Círculo, elementos que ayuden a pensar y hacer una forma otra de investigación en Ciencias Humanas y en Psicología. Con base en esta incursión se discuten tres principales aspectos y sus efectos a la producción de saberes en la Psicología: el lugar del investigador / a y su otro / a; el trabajo de escritura de investigación; y el ideal de verdad del saber.

Abstract This essay, focusing on epistemological and ontological questions, in composing a web of dialogues between the voices of the Bakhtin's Circle and the voices of Modernity, aims to present, from the Philosophy the Circle, elements that support to think another form of research in Humanities and Psychology. Based on this incursion, three main aspects and their effects on the production of knowledge are discussed: the place of the researcher and their other; the writing work research; and the true ideal of knowledge.

Psicologia , Pesquisa , Conhecimento , Ciências Humanas
Integr Psychol Behav Sci ; 52(2): 257-287, 2018 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29464481


This opportunistic case-study highlights striking differences in 6 urban children's and 12 preservice suburban middle-class teachers' perception of science and discuss consequences of science education and beyond. I found that all of the interviewed urban children demonstrated scientific inquiries and interests outside of the school science education that can be characterized by diverse simultaneous discourses from diverse practices, i.e., "heterodiscoursia" (Matusov in Culture & Psychology, 17(1), 99-119, 2011b), despite their diverse, positive and negative, attitudes toward school science. In contrast to the urban children's mixed attitudes to science, the preservice teachers view science negatively. They could not see science inquiries in the videotaped interviews of the urban children. There seemed to be many reasons for that. One of the possible reasons for that was that the preservice teachers tried to purify the science practice. Another reason was that they did not see a necessity to be interested and engaged in the curriculum that they are going to teach in future. The pedagogical consequences and remedies are discussed.

Atitude , Currículo , Professores Escolares , Instituições Acadêmicas , Ciência/educação , Estudantes , Adulto , Criança , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Professores Escolares/psicologia , Estudantes/psicologia , População Urbana , Adulto Jovem
Int J Psychoanal ; 99(4): 793-809, 2018 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33951834


Melanie Klein's writing style was distinctive. Many would concur that her theoretical and clinical writings are characterized by the absence of the fully developed poetic in the sense that literary theory understands this term. Although the visual poetic, as such, cannot be attributed to Melanie Klein's style, her discours has power to evoke image. Through iconicity of her images, Melanie Klein creates then effect of visualizing the inner world of the paranoid-schizoid and depressive position, which is marked by lack of successiveness and temporality characteristic of the symbolic order. Narrative of a Child Analysis reveals that the speech of Melanie Klein becomes idiosyncratic when she attempts to introduce preverbal contents in the verbal realm. At those points of the analysis her language becomes concrete, nonmetaphoric, ridiculous and misshaped. Grotesque. In an attempt to describe the characteristics of internalized part objects and their mutual relations in Richard's inner world, Melanie Klein constructs formulas-agglomerations which produce comic effects, such as greedy-octopus-Daddy, salmon-genital, Richard's bomb-faeces. Thus the image of Richard's inner world becomes isomorphic with Rabelais' laughter-provoking, comic-grotesque images of hell. Melanie Klein (Bakhtin would say) carnivalizes Richard's inner world so it does not seem scary but more like a "cheerful carnivalesque scarecrow."

Soc Sci Med ; 177: 27-34, 2017 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28157566


Housing is a significant determinant of health and substandard housing is a public health issue. East London has long had a shortage of social and affordable housing, worsened in recent years by a combination of stressors. In one of East London's most deprived boroughs, Newham, changes brought about by the 2011 Localism Act and the unique demands of being the host Olympic borough in 2012 have brought considerable pressures to bear on social infrastructure. This paper examines how these pressures were experienced by local residents via their narratives of social housing and health. The data reported here are from a qualitative study comprising two waves of data collection. Narrative family interviews and go-along interviews were conducted with 40 Newham residents at wave one and 28 at wave two. A narrative analysis with a Bakhtinian interpretation was undertaken. This revealed that residents framed experiences of social housing in terms of an inherent system-level ideology based on notions of need and waiting. A particularly striking feature of this ideology was the extent to which descriptions of ill health and impairment were implicated in constructions of housing need; participants directly attributed a range of health complaints to their housing predicaments, including stress, depression, cancer scares, panic attacks and loss of sleep. Understanding the contested ideology of social housing can illuminate both the dynamic processes of social exclusion and the ways in which its subjects seek to resist it.

Nível de Saúde , Habitação/tendências , Narração , Percepção , Adulto , Feminino , Humanos , Renda/tendências , Londres/etnologia , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Grupos Raciais/psicologia , Grupos Raciais/estatística & dados numéricos , Fatores Sexuais , Fatores Sociológicos
Integr Psychol Behav Sci ; 51(1): 94-119, 2017 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27873220


Educational practitioners are often reluctant, if not actively resistant, to their participation in production and consumption of educational research. Based on my research experience with educational practitioners, I try to deconstruct this phenomenon using dialogic Bakhtinian and Aristotelian sociocultural frameworks. I consider two major related breakdowns in the educational practice: 1) a lack of self-correcting process in the educational practice, while reliance on accountability policy to achieve the practice quality, and 2) a breakdown between educational research and educational practice. I argue that the first breakdown is caused by viewing teaching as poiesis, aiming at preset curricular endpoints, and not as praxis, critically defining its own values, goals, and virtues. As to the second breakdown, I argue that current mainstream and even innovative research is defined through the technê and epistêmê ways of knowing, which correspond to a poiesic vision of educational practice. I suggest that educational practice primarily involves the phronêtic and sophic ways of knowing, which correspond to a praxis vision of educational practice. I describe phronêtic research of teaching through a case of my students, preservice teachers, working on revisions of their lessons that they conducted at an urban afterschool program. Finally, I consider recommendations for institutional support for phronêtic research on teaching.

Educação , Conhecimento , Filosofia , Teoria Psicológica , Pesquisa , Ensino , Humanos